
I would like to share with you all, and the world, something that I feel I have been guided into doing by our Father. I mention this because initially, it wasn’t my intention. However, now it has become my passion, and a embodiment of love and faith for our God.

I welcome you to BoundlessFaith. The TRUE apparel of God. 

Brothers and sisters, we now live in an age where christianity has been divided, overlooked, misrepresented, disrespected and many more you can say.  Although God is not mocked, for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap. (Galatians 6:7). In reality that is because the vast majority of us, "christians", have become lukewarm in our faith. (Revelations 3:16) 

As followers of Christ, we must live by Christ,  and not just on Saturdays or Sundays! But everyday. Christ Himself directed us! “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16: 15) So what a better way to display the message of our Savior everyday, and everywhere, then by clothing.  And this is exactly what BoundlessFaith is.

Although all of our clothing is at the highest quality, to spread the highest of highest of messages, I can say proudly, this is not at all about fashion or profit. Each piece is crafted solely based on scripture, made to share the word, inspire, and ignite conversations throughout our daily lives. We also include a detailed explanation behind every piece should anyone be confused. 

I believe unity is strength. We have One God, One Christ, One word. Why should we be divided? As Jesus said himself in Mark 3:25, “ If a house is divided against itself, that house cannot stand.” Through BoundlessFaith, by the will of our God, we hope to build bridges to unite us all back as the children of God, and whilst doing that, we show the world what true christianity is. Lovingly, righteously & unapologetically.

So brothers and sisters, I invite you all to join us. We alone can not spread the message and love of our Savior to the whole world. 


God bless you all.



Creator of BoundlessFaith